By Poliana Nunes
Communication GLENIF

The Group of Latin-american Accounting Standard Setters (GLENIF in spanish) and the Latin European-American Integration Committee (CILEA in spanish) have signed a technical cooperation agreement to provide accounting professionals with an exchange of knowledge. The document was signed on Wednesday afternoon (21) by the president of GLENIF, José Luiz Ribeiro de Carvalho, and the president of CILEA, Maria Clara Cavalcante Bugarim.
“This agreement fills a gap. Now we’ll have an education system to help professionals carry out accounting and technical training. It is also an opportunity for debate, dissemination and exchange of experiences on International Accounting Standards, especially for small and medium-sized companies in Latin America,” said the GLENIF president.
According to accountant Maria Clara Bugarim, the agreement signed symbolizes the first step in the process. “Based on this foundation stone, we will detail the work plan and define the objectives. Now we need to outline what will actually be put into practice and what we will offer accounting professionals,” she said.
For accountant José Luiz Ribeiro de Carvalho, one of the major discussions in the detailed planning of the program is how to fit in the theme of sustainability for small and medium-sized companies. “There are no set guidelines, we don’t have much content on the subject yet, but it will be a necessary topic,” he said. The program’s curriculum includes topics related to International Accounting Standards.
The education system will be offered by GLENIF and CILEA via online mode. New guidelines will be published through the entities’ communication channels.