New news – English

The Board of Directors of the Latin American Group of Issuers of Normas de Información Financiera (Glenif), led by its president Eduardo Pocetti, met in Lima/Perú, from 11 to 13 July 2019; to participate in the International Seminar on International Accounting Standards (IFRS), promoted by the Junta de Deans de Colegios de Contadores Públicos del Perú.

The Seminar, whose purpose was to present the work developed by Glenif and disseminate the main rules in force, took place at the Convention Center in the city of Lima/Perú. All members of the Glenif Directory acted as speakers, covering topics such as the Conceptual Framework, IFRS 9 (Financial Instruments), IFRS 15 (Revenue Recognition) and IFRS 16 (Lease). The event was very successful with massive participation of accounting professionals and students.