GLASS participates in IFRS International Seminar in Argentina

On July 23 and 24, the VII International Seminar on International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) took place in Hotel Panamericano, in Buenos Aires. The event was promoted by the Federación Argentina de Consejos Profesionales de Ciências Económicas de Argentina (Facpce).

The opening ceremony of the Seminar was attended by IASB’ President Hans Hoogervorst, Facpce’ President José Luis Arnoletto and the BCBA’ President Adelmo Gabbi.

A seguir, Eduardo Pocetti, presidente do Grupo Latimoamericano de Emisores de Normas de Información Financiero (GLENIF) proferiu palestra abordando os aspectos técnicos e políticos do GLENIF, seguido de Domingo Marchese, da Argentina, que destacou os principais assuntos em desenvolvimento pelos Grupos Técnicos de Trabalho.

Eduardo Pocetti, GLASS President spoke about technical and political aspects of GLASS, followed by Domingo Marchese, from Argentina, who highlighted the main issues under development by the GLASS Technical Working Groups.

Amaro Gomes, IASB’ board member made an important report on the themes of the IASB agenda and the perspectives for the future.

Later than, IASB’ Chairman Hans Hoogervorst made a speech on the theme: “Where we are adopting IFRS and the current challenges: IFRS 9; IFRS 16 and IFRS 17 “, with the moderator being GLASS Vice President Jorge José Gil.

The second day of the seminar, Adriana Caetano (Brazil), Alejandro Vera Espinosa (Chile), Angel Salazar Frisancho (Peru), Luis Henry Moya Moreno (Colombia) and Winston Fernandez (Uruguay) participated in the panel on the IFRS’ State of Adoption (especially in banks and insurance) with Carmen Verón (Argentina) as moderator.

Other notorious speakers from the accounting and auditing areas have acted as speakers discussing topics related to the convergence and adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). More details about the event are available here.

In parallel with the 7th International Seminar on International Financial Reporting Standards, a GLASS Board meeting was held at the FACPCE headquarters, with the participation of IASB President Hans Hoogervorst and board member Amaro Gomes.

The IASB president highlighted the work carried out by GLASS has fundamental importance and has been essential in overcoming the barriers and supporting the evolution of financial information in Latin America. He praised the performance of Amaro Gomes and thanked him for the strong support he had received in recent years.

Amaro Gomes frequently participates in GLASS meetings to report the themes status under discussion (IASB Agenda)

At the opportunity, they discussed about the status of the Technical Working Groups in progress: GTTs 63; 64; 66; 67 and 68.

The GTT 65’ Comment Letter – IAS 8 – Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors, coordinated by Norelly Pinto Vargas, of Venezuela was sent to the IASB on July 26.