CPS – Permanent Sustainability Committee


The objectives of the ISSB Permanent Commission are centered on drafting a Letter-Comment addressed to the GLENIF Board, in order to analyze and discuss the points of the consultation documents from the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) on Sustainability Reporting. This involves conducting virtual meetings to analyze the documents, as well as consulting various stakeholders in each country to collect their responses, and finally, agreeing on the responses for the drafting of the Letter-Comment. The goal is to ensure a meaningful contribution to the consultation process and promote coherent and consistent adoption of sustainability standards in Latin American countries.


  • Laura Graciela Accifonte | FAPCE – Argentina
  • Andrea Barbagelata | FAPCE – Argentina
  • Ticiane Santos | CFC – Brasil
  • Danielle Torres | CFC – Brasil
  • Carlos Gonzáles | CAUB – Bolivia
  • Paola Andrea Sanabria González | CTCP – Colombia
  • Manfred Kopper | Colegio de Contadores de Costa Rica – Costa Rica
  • William Bernal | Colegio de Contadores de Costa Rica – Costa Rica
  • Sandra Minaburo | CINIF – México
  • Fernando Aguilar | NOCOFIN – Panamá
  • Florencia Amorelli | CCEAU – Uruguay

Comment Letters

Consultation Paper: IFRS S1 General Requirements for Disclosure about
Sustainability – Related Financial Information

Date: 29/07/2022

Exposure Draft IFRS S2 Climate-related Disclosures
Date: 29/07/2022