On October, 10 and 11, at Windsor Hotel facilities, Rio de Janeiro, GLASS meeting and Ordinary Annual Assembly were carried out, on which there was the opportunity of reelection of Uruguay and Colombia representatives, Winton Fernández and Luis Henry Moya Moreno as GLASS effective directors. Chile and Venezuela representatives, Alejandro Vera Espinosa and Norelly Pinto Vargas were held as alternate directors.
Amaro Gomes commented about the IASB Agenda update and introduced the IASB Technical Manager, Uni Choi, who set a presentation about Financial Instruments with Characteristics of Equity, theme currently being studied by GLASS Technical Working Group (TWG) 68.
In the aftermath, Vânia Borgerth, Member of Advisory Group (IAASB) and Superintendent of BNDES (Economic and Social Development Nacional Bank), which was invited for the meeting, made and excellent exposition about the Integrated Report.
During the Assembly, the Report of Activities of Eduardo Pocetti first year of management, from October 2017 to October 2018, was presented. The Report of Activities is available in http://glenif.org/actividades/.