Representatives of the Latin American Financial Reporting Standards Group (Glass) met during the Accounting and Accountability Conference for Regional Economic Growth – CReCER 2017, held June 6-9 in Mexico City. CFC’s Technical Vice President Mr. Zulmir Breda, Ibracon’s President Mr. Idésio Coelho and the President of the Argentine Federation of Professional Councils of Economic Sciences Mr. José Luis Arnoletto attended the meeting, which took place at the headquarters of the Financial Information Standards Board AC – CINIF.
Among the various subjects featured, we highlight the presentation of the Spanish Translation Committee of Iasb; discussions on Ifrs 17, insurance contracts and possible actions; discussions on the status of GTTs 55, 56, 57 and 58 and the update of recent activities and projects in process in Iasb, presented by Mr. Amaro Gomes, Iasb’s board member.
Glenif, incorporated on June 28, 2011, is fully formed by accounting standards setters from 17 Latin American countries and aims to work in partnership with the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) in technical aspects, respecting the National sovereignty of each member country; to promote the adoption of the convergence of international standards issued by Iasb; to cooperate with governments, regulators and other regional, national and international organizations that contribute to improve financial quality of the demonstrations; and to collaborate with the diffusion of the standards issued by Iasb.