GLASS is actively participating in the first in-person meeting of the International Forum of Accounting Standard Setters (IFASS), which is being held in Naples, Italy, on March 12, 13, and 14, 2025.

On the second day of this important meeting, GLASS President Hernán Casinelli spoke on two panels.

First, he gave a detailed presentation of GLASS ‘s activities and the main topics on the ongoing technical agenda. This panel also included representatives from standard setters from Italy, the United Kingdom, and Zimbabwe.

Second, he participated in a roundtable discussion, sharing reflections on what it means to “consistently apply IFRS” in our region and the various actions that GLASS is taking to contribute to the consistent application of standards in the region. This roundtable discussion was shared by the new co-chair, Katharine Christopoulos, and Jenifer Minke-Gurard of the IASB.

Also participating in person was Ana Tercia Rodrigues, representative of the CFC (Brazil), recently appointed member of the GLASS board.

IFASS is a group of national accounting standard-setters from around the world, providing a platform for issuers to discuss current issues and developments in international financial reporting. The IASB also participates in these meetings as another standard-setter and uses IFASS to conduct outreach activities.